Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Roasted Beet & Goat Cheese Tart Revisited

A few weeks ago I made myself little individual Roasted Beet & Goat Cheese Tarts with Polenta Crust. Matt saw the pictures & made me promise to make it for him when he got back from the West Coast so it was on this week's menu. I had planned on just making four little tarts but my Mom & Dad came to visit on their way back down south after summer at the lake. I gave them a choice of meals & they also picked the tart so I figured this would be a good time to figure out the amounts for one large tart.
When I wrote the original recipe I thought that doubling it would make this larger tart. You do need to double all the filling ingredients; beets, onion, garlic, cream, eggs, parsley & goat cheese. You do not need to double the polenta for the crust, just 4 oz of polenta & 2 cups of chicken broth are enough polenta to make the large crust. Cooking time also increased for the larger tart to 30 minutes. The large tart will serve 4 - 5 people.

I added bacon to this batch as well. I chopped three slices of bacon & cooked them until crisp. Drain the bacon & then stir it into the roasted vegetables before putting them into the tart. Everyone felt that the bacon was really perfect in this dish.

This tart was a huge success & its really beautiful to serve as well. My mom left saying she was going to try a polenta crust soon.


  1. Whoa.. what a beauty, I still some polenta in my pantry, and just like your mom I think I'm going to try polenta crust soon ;)

  2. Hmm, polenta crust? I am going to have to give that a try. This looks great!

  3. I keep waiting to get beets in our CSA bag and as soon as I do I'm going to make this tart!

  4. And I'm reminded again that I have to make this polenta crust soon. Thanks for the remind.

  5. I guess I'll have to try this crust, too. LOL I don't want to be left out!

  6. Bacon makes everything better, this looks great!


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