Thursday, September 25, 2008

What we did with CSA box #10

We stared out using this box with a very basic stir-fry. We find that's one of the best ways to compliment the vegetables at their freshest. The melon & the raspberries we eat fresh for breakfast.
What we did with CSA box #10
1. the box 2. peach melba cupcakes 3. sausage & peppers 4. freezer pickles 5. Asian chicken salad 6. roasted beet, goat cheese & arugula pizza 7. zucchini galette 8. homemade potato chips


  1. Looks great :) I'm hoping to be able to get into a CSA next year.

  2. Great job!!! I love this idea. I've never done the CSA before but am going to look into some here.


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