Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Messing Around with Bread

I've been messing around with some of the recipes from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking trying to get a sandwich bread similar to some we've liked at the store & in restuarants. Today I think I may actually be on to something...
Sunflower Seed Bread
I started by halving the recipe for Buttermilk Bread. I replaced the buttermilk with non-fat plain yogurt (because I was out of buttermilk). Then I replaced 1/4 cup of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour. Finally, I threw in 1/4 cup of roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds, 2 tablespoons sesame seeds & a good handful of oatmeal. All of this meant I only needed about 2 & 1/2 cup of the all-purpose flour to get the right texture dough.
Morning 35 - Messing around with bread
What we got was a crusty loaf with a great crumb & a nutty flavor. The sunflower seeds was really the flavor that stood out the most, while the sesame seeds & oatmeal were kind of lost. I think next time I'll toast the sesame seeds instead or perhaps add some chopped hazelnuts!


  1. cool! sounds like something my wife would love

  2. This looks wonderful! Great experiment--going to keep it in mind for my next batch.

  3. I seriously need to get that book .I love home made bread

  4. I could see how the sesame seed flavour wouldn't stand out. I don't find that they have much flavour, which is probably why sesame bagels are my favourite.

    Your break looks delicious.

  5. love sunflower seeds in a bread... the bread looks so moist :)

  6. The crumb on your bread seems really close to store-bought-- good job.

  7. Another testament to this fine book...can't wait to try the variations.

  8. That looks really good. I can't figure out why I am such an awful baker. Hopefully these tips will help.

  9. I love this book and I use it all the time. I haven't tried this recipe yet but yours looks wonderful.

  10. Everyone has been talking about this book so apparently I need to get with it and buy the book!! I know this is crazy, but we prefer homemade bread so I make some every week. I'll have to try this one!!

  11. Oh, jeez, I should just break down and buy the book. That is one beautiful loaf of bread. Great job!

  12. Bread looks terrific! I'm still hit and miss with my breads, although I haven't made anything from the book in a while.

  13. you know it has the potential to be a phenomenal bread when seeds are visible, and i can imagine that i'd eat half the loaf before it even had the chance to cool. :)

  14. This bread is amazing. You make me so want to buy this book.

  15. I bought the book on Amazon yesterday and made 3 loaves of the bread yesterday as well from their basic recipe. I can't wait to get the book and try this variation. I can't recommend this method highly enough.

  16. The sunflower seed flavor can definitely be a bit overwhelming. Roasting the sesame seeds and adding hazelnuts sound like great ideas.


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