Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Winter BLT

Last fall before our first frost I picked all the green tomatoes from our garden & turned them into green tomato jam.
First Frost Green Tomato Jam
We'd never had green tomato jam before & weren't really exactly sure what to expect & what it would taste good with. Matt mentioned he had seen a winter BLT on a menu recently that used tomato jam so we decided to try ours that way.
Start with Green Tomato Jam & Mayo
We started with some toasted sourdough then put mayo on one side & our green tomato jam on the other.
Add the bacon & spinach
Then add the warm crisp bacon & some fresh baby spinach. Sweet & salty crispy goodness!
30 - Winter BLT
I think we were both surprised by how much we like the flavor of the green tomato jam. To me its reminiscent of chutney. Matt said the sandwich he saw originally also had brie on it. Notsure I want brie on my BLT but I do think the jam would be fabulous with cheese though I'm imagining a good cheddar... yum, grilled cheese with green tomato jam! Now I'm off to have another one of these BLTs for lunch

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© 2007-2010 Kathy Lewinski


  1. mmm I can definitely see a grilled cheese with the green tomato jam being delicious!

  2. I just love that you have the best flavor combo's. This is right up my sammiey alley.

  3. What a great combo and so creative with the winter BLT. I've not had tomato jam, but from your description I'm sure I'd love it.

  4. That looks so good! What a creative way to use your tomato jam.

  5. Oh wow, that looks totally incredible!!!

  6. Warm crisp bacon and tomato jam sound like the perfect pairing.

  7. We often make blts with the leftover bacon we have from breakfast. Unfortunately though we have no green tomato jam. Wonder if we can buy it? Have never seen it on the shelves, but have never looked for it either.

  8. Great use for the green tomato jam!

  9. Mmmmm how delicious does that look! I've never tasted green tomato jam, but would imagine it to be great on a home made pizza or stirred through a pasta dish too? Scrumptious!

  10. while i suspect i could eat that jam with a spoon, this is also an excellent use for it. the sandwich you depict seems to be perfectly-made in every way and i'm inspired!

  11. This looks much better than a regular BLT!

  12. This would be a good use for my tomato jam. Good thinking!

  13. Tomato jam, what a good idea! I have bacon and lettuce and have been craving BLT but the tomatoes out here are so bad I don't know if I'd even call them tomatoes.

  14. That may be the perfect sandwich! We did grilled cheese with green tomato relish the other week.


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