Monday, May 17, 2010

Farmers Market Finds and the Weekly Menu 5/17 - 5/22

Now that we are back from vacations & business trips & over colds we can finally start getting into a weekly visit to the farmer's market routine. Our favorite local market, The Kingfield Market, doesn't open until the 23rd so this week we visited the Mill City Market.
Mill City Farmers' Market
The Mill City Market has a great location along the Mississippi between the Mill City Museum & the Guthrie Theater. People were out in force celebrating the warm sunny weather after a week of cold rainy days.
5/16 Farmer's Market Finds
Here's what we picked up this week...
Little Rhubarb Pies - The perfect size for two. So tart & tasty.
Spring Lettuce - I love how delicate the leaf lettuce is in the spring. We ate this all in one big salad
Spring Onions - We grilled one bunch of these with some potatoes Sunday night. The remaining bunch will get used in a morel tart & in a soufflé.
Morels - Oh, they are dear at $45 a pound but such a treat. We'll have some in pasta tonight & some in a tart later in the week.
Ramps - Freshly picked the day before. I'll use some of these leeks in the pasta with the morels & some in scrambled eggs.
I also got this bag of wild rice flour. It made to be used for breading or thickening soups & stews. I want to experiment with using it in bread. I think it should add a wonderful nutty flavor. We also picked up some pork chops (we've actually eaten through all the one's from our pig purchase!) & 4 lbs of wild Alaskan salmon. I had hoped to get strawberries & asparagus but maybe next week.

On to Menu Planning Monday....

Pasta with Ramps & Morels
Grilled Salmon with Spicy Asian Glaze
Morel & Onion Tarts
Grilled Brats
Still deciding on the rest of the week...

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  1. i'm awaiting strawberries eagerly too....

  2. I was at Mill City too. Such a gorgeous day! I also got some baby turnips and green garlic. Yum.

  3. I didn't make it to Mill City this weekend. How was the rhubarb pie? I can't wait to see your ramps and morel pasta - sounds like a perfect wild spring dish!

    I've been struggling to finish a 'ramps' post and considered ditching it altogether, thinking that I've missed the window of interest. But reading that they may still be available, perhaps I'll let it out . . . 8-)

  4. Envious! Our Farmer's Market got rained out again!

  5. I'm going on vacation on Friday and will be missing the 2 weeks when I expect we'll have fresh snap peas at the market. I'm a wee bit sad =(

    That being said, I'm going to hit up the farmer's markets where I am on vacay, too... just to see what's available.

  6. Ohhhhh so jealous. SO jealous. Our little farmer's market is nothing like this.

    I miss morels and am envying you so much right now.

  7. We visited the market too. My beloved rhubarb was there waiting for me. Small but tastey! And I tried fiddle heads too. FuN!

  8. Gorgeous morels! I kept thinking I was going to stumble on a patch of them, but no such luck this year. The market value is $35 per pound here in Michigan. I am planning on picking up a third of a pound this weekend and having some very tasty dishes with them!

  9. So glad you are feeling better and I am so jealous of your market selection. They are beginning to start up around here, but a good selection is still scarce. It will get better the next few weeks. I'm anxiously awaiting. :)

  10. Will you be doing a CSA this year? I'm part of the Harmony Valley CSA and love to see what you do with your box!

  11. Abby - We will not be doing a CSA this year. Instead we will be highlighting what we get weekly at the farmers market. Hopefully a lot of it should be very similar produce.

  12. Those morels are beautiful! The wild rice flour is very interesting. I can't wait to see what you do with it!


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