Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where in the World are Kat and Matt

****This contest is now over. We'll announce the winner on Friday, May 7th****

Matt & I both have birthdays this week (they are only a day apart) & have decided to take a little trip to celebrate.
#123 - Happy Birthday to Matt '08
We'd would love to bring back some culinary souvenirs for one of you but first you'll have to guess where we are. Here's a couple of hints...
The restaurant Matt chose for his birthday is Luke.
Our hotel is named after a president & is on Baronne St.
We'll be toasting our birthdays with martinis at the Bombay Club
#169 - A little thrill
This trip will not require a passport.

We'll chose one winner from the comments to this post that contain the name of the correct city & send that person a selection of food gifts from our trip. Please make sure if you are entering this contest to leave your email address in your comment or a way to get it.
#234 - Amsterdam Morning Sun

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at OR at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.© 2007-2010 Kathy Lewinski


  1. New Orleans. VERY jealous! Happy Birthday and have a wonderful time.

  2. New Orleans and probably The Roosevelt Hotel. Happy Birthday to both of you.

  3. New Orleans, LA. I am very jealous. I was there last July. It was great, but I really need to return when it is cooler.

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you're having fun in New Orleans.

  5. My guess is New Orleans, USA as well, even though I am a little rusty on USA geography, I do know it is a city that has French road names, the friend I share my book blog with is from that neck of the woods.

  6. New Orleans of course. Lucky. Have fun!

  7. New Orleans, Louisiana. Hope you have a great time! Watch out for the oil slick though-- and Happy Birthday!

  8. NOLA! I have always wanted to go there. I looked up Luke and it looks fantastic. I love how often "local" appears on their menu.

    Have fun!

  9. Oooh, have fun in New Orleans!

  10. NOLA! Have fun and happy birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday! New Orleans! Fun, we've always wanted to go. Enjoy it!

  12. New Orleans!! Lucky ducks!! Happy Birthday to the both of you. I am enjoying watching Treme on HBO. It's all about characters personal struggles in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.

  13. naw'lins baby! have fun. and have a couple of martini's for me.

  14. have an awesome birthday celebration in the big easy, folks! i'm so jealous. :)

  15. Too easy Kat.
    You are at the Roosevelt in New Orleans and enjoying drinks at the Bombay Club.
    Enjoy and happy birthdays!

  16. Yeah! New Orleans! What a great city to spend your birthdays in!

  17. Happy, happy birthdays!!! I won your canned food giveaway so I will just send birthday wishes for another great year!

  18. New Orleans is a marvelous and romantic place to celebrate your birthdays! I am looking forward to reading about your adventures.


  19. My favorite town- New Orleans! Some beignet mix would be yummy! Enjoy!

  20. I have yet to visit New Orleans, so I'm really excited to hear more about your trip when you return!

    Happy birthdays!


  21. New Orleans!!!!!
    I hope you have happy birthdays

  22. New Orleans on your Birthday---too perfect!

  23. Down in the Big Easy, New Orleans!

  24. Yeah New Orleans! Enjoy the trip.

  25. The Bombay Club sounds so exotic! And that it is only 5-6 blocks frm the Roosevelt Hotel where you'll get all romantic. You started out in the opp. direction @ John Besh's restaurant on St Charles Ave. So you must be in New Orleans! Have 2 wonderful birthdays!

  26. Hope you're having a great time in New Orleans!

  27. I am so bad with geography and don't even want to guess. Okay I'll take a shot...Montreal. LOL!

    Happy Birthday and have a great time!

  28. You're in NOLA- staying at the Roosevelt New Orleans...having beignets and coffee at Cafe Du Monde in the Quarter, dinner at John Besh's. Hope you bought me some pralines from Southern Candymakers on Decatur. I try to get to NOLA (from WA!) every couple of years but times are tough and I'm long overdue. Hope you enjoy and laissez les bons temps rouler!!!

  29. New Orleans! Have a fabulous time - I've been wanting to eat a John Besh dinner for ages! And Happy Birthday to both of you!

  30. Well, it looks like everyone has the same guess! I actually had no idea since I haven't been there before. I hope you are enjoying your trip and Happy Brithday to you both!

  31. New Orleans!! I got the answer before checking other comments too! :)

  32. You'll have to tell me how much you loved New Orleans since I have yet to get there myself. Happy Birthdays! :)

  33. I would be such a cheat if I entered - I had no clue until I saw everyone else's answers. 8-)

    I hope you and Matt had wonderful birthdays and wishing you both many, many more!


Thanks for your comments! Matt & I love to read them but if you link to online drugs or real estate or such in anyway we will delete you. Due to the amount of spam we are now moderating all comments.