Friday, June 4, 2010

Vanilla Beet Gelato

Ah beets, how much do I love thee? So, much that I want to even eat you for dessert!
Vanilla Beet Gelato
Actually, I should say Matt wanted beets for dessert, I think I've finally converted him into a beet lover too. We had picked up a bunch of baby beets at the farmers market & were pondering what to do with them. Matt's first (& only) suggestion was to make ice cream. We'd had beet ice cream last summer from the Chef Shack & I know Thomas Keller makes one so, it's not a completely original idea. I decided to do a gelato instead of ice cream because, well, it's really easier & we like gelato just as much.

I roasted the beets before puréeing them with the milk because I think roasting brings out a lot of sweetness from them. Matt suggested the vanilla as a way to give it even more of a dessert flavor & I think it went well with the flavor of the beet. When first churned, the ice cream tasted like beets but it was subtle, Matt thought it was almost more of a back of the mouth flavor. After curing in the freezer for a day though, the beet flavor is much more prominent. I think it's going to go wonderfully with the dark chocolate brownies I plan to serve it over tonight.
#152 - Beet Gelato Base
This was a total experiment so I only made a small batch, 2 - 3 small servings. If I make it again I will double the amount of everything except the beets. I think that would make the flavors of the vanilla & beet a little more even though, it would reduce the intensity of that beautiful pink color.

Vanilla Beet Gelato

1/2 c beets, cut into 1 - 1/2 inch pieces (for us this was 8 baby beets)
olive oil
1 c milk
1/2 c cream
1/2 vanilla bean
6 T sugar

Preheat oven to 400 F.

Put the beets in a small roasting pan & drizzle with a little olive oil. Stir to coat. Roast for 15 minutes until softened.

Put the beets in a food processor with 1/4 cup of the milk. Process until as smooth as you can get it. Put this puréed beet mixture into a saucepan with the remaining milk & cream. Split the vanilla bean in half & scrape the seeds in to the pan. Add the scraped vanilla bean to the pan. Stir in the sugar. Heat over medium-low until the sugar is dissolved. Strain through a fine sieve into a clean bowl, make sure to remove the vanilla bean. (You can skip the straining step if you want little pieces of beet in your gelato, I wanted a smoother texture.) Chill in the fridge until cold.

Process according to the directions on your ice cream maker.

Makes about 2 1/2 cups

I realize beet gelato might not be everyone's cup of tea but we certainly enjoyed playing with the idea & eating the results. Now I'm thinking of what other vegetables might make good ice cream flavors....parsnip ice cream anyone?!

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  1. Totally gorgeous! this may be the way to get my husband to eat beets. He still only thinks of them in their pickled state.

  2. I am sooo going to try this when we get beets in our csa box!

  3. It looks unbelievable! Such a pretty color, too--I love it!

  4. Some may raise their eyebrows at this combination. But I know it would be delicious. Extra points for creativity today. GREG

  5. The colors of the beets in this ice cream are so vibrant. I love it! I need to try beets again. I haven't had 'em in a long time.

  6. i adore beets, though I am am sort of unsure of this one.

  7. boy-o--to say that you love beets is an understatement! ice cream? that's a new one, but it's absolutely ingenious and beautiful!

  8. I've tried and tried to aquire a taste for beets and just can't do it. It is gorgeous though and my Dad would love it. Now, the gelato part I'm a big fan of. :)

  9. My husband will eat anything except beets and dill pickles. I would like to try this but I think I would be the only one eating it. He did like my beet bread though.

    I am still waiting for the perfect opportunity to make that banana ice cream you posted about a little while ago. I think I am about to have some perfectly browned bananas! yehaw!

  10. The color is just gorgeous! I love beets and when they are roasted can eat them like candy! So I can totally see this being awesome!

  11. More gelato, love the beets in here for natural sweetness and colour. I too am now making gelato and ice creams...yay!

  12. My husband would kill me if I make this because he hates beets, but you have me intrigued.

  13. Good old classic vanilla beans ice cream, bring back good old memories. Thanks for the recipe


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