Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chocolate Peppermint Patties: International Blogger Holiday Cookie Recipe Exchange

I'm so far behind with holiday baking this year. The last two years I did a batch of cookies every week for the eight weeks leading to Christmas. This year I haven't done any except for these & these only got done because I'm participating in the Blogger Holiday Cookie Recipe Exchange.Chocolate Peppermint Patty Cookies
Lori of Fake Food Free & Adrienne of Gastroanthropology matched up food blogger from around the world to share favorite cookie recipes. I was matched with Adrienne & she shared her recipe for these Chocolate Peppermint Patties. I stuck pretty close to her original recipe except I sprinkled my cookies with cayenne pepper instead of powdered sugar for just a kiss of heat.
Fake Food Free

Chocolate Peppermint Patties
Recipe from Gastroanthropology with my notes added in red.

16 oz semisweet or dark chocolate for melting (Adrienne uses dark chocolate which I would have done too but we were snowed in & I only had semi-sweet on hand)
2 oz unsalted butter
4 eggs, room temperature
5 oz dark brown sugar
5 oz granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbs peppermint extract
2 oz all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
12 oz semisweet or dark chocolate chips
crunched up candy canes or peppermint candies (I used about 10 peppermint candies)
powdered sugar for dusting (I skipped this & dusted with cayenne pepper instead)

*Please note there are two measurements of chocolate, the first will be melted and the second is chocolate chips folded in.


Melt chocolate and butter over a double broiler. Sift flour and baking powder together and set aside. (I did this in the microwave. It took about 4 - 5 minutes with a lot of stirring every minute or so.) Meanwhile, ribbon sugar and eggs until its thick and pale. Add salt and peppermint extract. Mix in. Fold the chocolate/butter mixture into the sugar/egg mixture. Work quickly here...the moment the warm chocolate/butter mixture hits the sugar/eggs mixture it's important to get the combined as to not "cook" the eggs. Gently fold in sifted flour and baking powder. When just combined, fold in chocolate chips. The dough will be loose. (The dough is very liquidy, I thought I had done something wrong but it will firm up in the fridge.) Cover directly with plastic and refrigerate for at least 2 hours and up to 24 hours, make sure nothing with strong savory smells are in the fridge.

Preheat oven to 350F/180C.

Once chilled remove from fridge and scoop out cookies onto lined cookie sheets. Using an ice cream scoop works best. (I used the large side of a melon baller & made about 1" balls of dough. Keep the dough chilled for ease of working with.) Before they go in the oven gently press in bits of crunched up peppermint candy (the candy pieces melt while baking so only big ones really show up in the finished cookies) and then dust heavily with powdered sugar to get a crackly look for the cookies (I skipped the powdered sugar & sprinkled the cookies with a little cayenne instead for a touch of heat). I tend to use a small scoop to get 2-3 bite cookies. These take about 7-8 minutes. For a larger cookie, bake a bit longer. (I had a hard time finding the correct baking time for these. Eight minutes was too short for me & I found I needed somewhere between 10 & 14. They also needed to cool for about 10 minutes on the baking sheet before moving to a cooling rack or they really broke apart).

Makes 7 dozen cookies.

More of my notes: Using semi-sweet chocolate made for a very sweet cookie & I would highly suggest using dark chocolate at least for the dough. The cayenne was a nice twist on these cookies as it gives just the slightest hint of heat. No one will guess there is chile pepper in them but the kick is great against the sweetness.

Check out Lori & Adrienne's blogs for a full recap of all the cookies.
Chocolate Peppermint Patty Cookies

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at OR at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted. © 2007-2010 Kathy Lewinski


  1. So nice--I love thr "kiss if heat" that you added! Great touch!

  2. So pretty and festive! And I love that touch of heat, too. Maybe I'll use chipotle... ;-)

  3. Love these!! Love you girls you keep posting cookies without tree nuts so yay. It looks really delicious!! Shulie

  4. Kiss of heat? You did this cookie proud!

  5. that pinch of heat is a match made in heaven when in it comes to chocolate - at least in my book! these look heavenly!

  6. I think I made enough cookies in the first 5 days of December to burn me out - but then again, I think I could go for a batch of these!

  7. although the real peppermint patties will always be my favorite, the simple step of sprinkling with cayenne moves these beauties way up on my list--well done!

  8. Oh these chocolate peppermint patties look sensational! I love the combination of chocolate and mint.

  9. To me, the taste of peppermint and the holidays go hand in hand. I love the recipe. Thanks for posting it. I'll have to give them a try!

  10. Sounds wonderful! I'll have to give these a try. Thanks for sharing!

  11. These patties look sensational. I love the combination of chocolate and peppermint. My tummy wants this. LOL.


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