Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekly Menu 6/13 - 6/17/11

Back to reality after vacation, well for me anyway, Matt is off on back to back business trips. That's ok I stocked up at the Kingfield Farmers Market this weekend for some good single girl meals this week.
Farmers Market Finds 6/12/11
Our market is a 100 mile market so, there isn't a ton of variety yet (especially since the cool weather has put the crops a few weeks behind) but, man, was I happy to see some fresh green veggies there. Here's what we picked up this week...

Broccoli - I thought it was too early but they had lots of beautiful small bunches
Dill - I've been making a cucumber, dill, yogurt and lemon juice salad for lunch everyday lately so I was thrilled to see the fresh dill. Also thinking of trying my hand at dill brined chicken.
Eggs - From happy, free range, organic fed hens
Spring Onions - Perfect for pizza or even just on the grill
Spring Peas - We didn't grow peas this year so, I'm happy to pick up a big bag of them
Cucumbers - It's not quite cucumber season here yet but, these are hothouse grown by Peter's Pumpkins. I have to say buying something from Peter is the perfect example of why I like shopping at the farmers market. He is so proud of his produce, telling everyone not to peel these as he doesn't spray them with anything. And asking you to notice how small the seed center is on his cucumbers, giving you more meat. A producer who is so enthusiastic about all he grows and sells to you is a good thing.

I also harvested some green garlic and chives from our garden.

On to Menu Planning Monday....

Peas and green garlic pasta

Broccoli, egg and cheese bake

Dinner out

Dill brined faux-fried chicken

Probably brats on the grill

Looks like a beautiful summer week, hope everyone has a great one!

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  1. That's awesome that your farmer's market is a 100-mile one. Mine SEEMS to be, but they don't advertise as such.

    Amy @ A Little Nosh

  2. Looking forward to green pasta and peas. I cant wait for our market to start. My girls are so wanting strawberries. After seeing them all in the stores- they have been begging. I keep telling them soon. Hopefully this Friday we will be able to pick some.

  3. Great spread this week! Nice to have cucumbers too. I can't wait for ours to come on in the garden!


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