Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekly Menu and Farmers Market Finds 8/07 - 8/13/11

What a great week at the farmers market. The weather was perfect, there is so much in season and it felt like the whole neighborhood was out enjoying it. We were a little sad to hear Bogart Loves won't be at the Kingfield Market anymore this year. Guess we'll have to run by Fulton for our donut fix on Saturdays instead. If you are in the Twin Cities here's a little heads up, I asked Peter from Peter's Pumpkins if they were going to be selling blossoms soon and he told me this was the time they'd be picking them, so look for them next week or so for at the Kingfield Market.
Farmers Market FInds 8/7
Here's what we picked up...

Sweet Corn - This batch will mostly get frozen to use this winter
Sweet Onions
Italian Sausage - For sausage and peppers
Brisket - It's hard to find a good piece of brisket with a nice fat layer on it for smoking, so Matt grabbed this one when he saw it.
Cucumber - You'd think I'd be tired of cukes eating them everyday for lunch, but no.
Chicken of the Woods and Chanterelle Mushrooms - I paid a lot for these mushrooms, but it such a treat to get these varieties. Plus I couldn't resist that orange color.

On to Menu Planning Monday...

Wild Mushroom Pasta

Cheesy Grits with Green Tomato Jam and Pulled Pork

Summer Vegetable Frittata

Sausage and Peppers

Haven't decided whether to grill a whole chicken or some hamburgers for another night.

We'll also be smoking our own salmon this week.

Here's a little preview of the recipe we'll be sharing tomorrow.

Corn Waffles Topped with Pulled Pork

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  1. Great produce list! I love summer!

  2. Woah is that roast over a waffle? Worlds are colliding!

  3. If you need more cucs come on over... we have tons. You will be able to get them when we are gone.


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