Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Menu and Farmers Market Finds 9/29 - 10/1/11

I think this is my favorite time of year for the farmers market. We still have the summer vegetables and all the fall vegetables are coming into the market too. I have a hard time restraining myself from buying way more than Matt and I can use in a week everything looks so beautiful.
Farmers Markets Finds 9/25
apple cider - Matt was so excited to see our apple cider vendor back
brussels sprouts on the stalk - Unfortunately, a lot of the sprouts had to be thrown away because of the amount of bugs in them, but I got enough for one meal.
Italian peppers - These got used in chili verde
honey - For my nightly Sleepytime tea
pie pumpkin - For a crisp recipe
acorn squash
green beans
garlic - The whole this went into chili verde
ground beef - Starting to stock the freezer for winter
pork butt - One will get smoked the other will become Italian sausge
20 lbs of salmon - Half will go to Matt's parents
mini Indian corn - We heard this made really good popcorn

We are harvesting are garden these days too. It really wasn't a great year, but we did get a huge amount of kale.
This is my kitchen sink filled with two grocery bags of kale leaves. Matt had already harvest about half this much earlier in the summer. It all got blanched yesterday and frozen in 4oz packages to use during the winter in stews and soups. I think we have enough put away to be able to use one bag a week all winter.
tomatillos husked
We also harvested about 3 1/2 pounds of tomatillos which we made into chili verde, a recipe I'll share later this week.

On to Menu Planning Monday...

Grilled Steak with roasted potatoes and green beans

White bean, Italian Sausage and kale soup

Pasta with fresh tomato sauce

Edamame, red pepper and chicken stirfry

Apple cider and bourbon brined pork chops with acorn squash

Mac and cheese with brussels sprouts and bacon

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1 comment:

  1. Mac and Cheese with brussels sprouts and bacon. Sounds delish!!!


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