Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Good Appetite Cookbook Wish List

Here's some of the cookbooks on our wishlist list year...

Ok, we already have Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day but it's so good we think everyone should have it. And finally one book that's not available on Amazon but can be ordered directly from Zingerman's
Next week a list of food's we like to order online or get locally that you can get online.

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  1. Oh my.... this is a terrific list of cookbooks (I need more cookbooks like I need more pounds around the middle!) But, oh how I love to flip through them and discover all the creative ways to make delicious goodies.

    The "Guide to Better Bacon" is a great read and a marvelous look at our favorite indulgence! Thanks

  2. I've got the 5 minute bread book, and it's fantastic. We rarely buy bread at the grocery store now.

  3. oh man. i need to copy & paste this to my family for me this year ;)

  4. Kat,
    Serious Eats recommended Canal House Cooking, only available via their website. I ordered 2 volumes, kind of a nice little paperback....I think I will ask Santa for Alton Brown's book.

  5. One you might add if you don't already have it on your shelf is What to Drink with What You Eat. Organized by food to tell you what the best beverages are (be it water, wine or whatever) to highlight the flavors in your meal! This is the most used book in my kitchen!

  6. Can I officially call myself a foodie if my wishlist on has 23 cookbooks on it? Or does that just mean I need to go on a diet? Haha, great list!

  7. That Mangoes and Curry Leaves looks real good- given my latest Indian food obsession.

  8. Uh-oh, my book wish list just grew a ton. These books all look great. I love hearing about people's favorite cookbooks. There are way to many out there to choose from. I like having some guidance.

  9. I don't have a single one of these! I need to do some research now...


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