Saturday, December 5, 2009

What we did with CSA box #15 and what's in box #16

Once again we were traveling for one week of this box so a lot less to show (also I don't put everything I use onions & garlic in since that would be just about every dish.)
What we did with CSA box #15
1. Curried Root Vegetable Soup (recipe next week) 2. Maple-Glazed Chicken & Squash
3. Corn & Sausage Chowder (recipe next week) 4. Maple-Glazed Sweet Potatoes, Apples & Bacon

And what's in box #16....
Kabocha & Festival Squash - We have quite a stash of squash right now, luckily it stores well in our cool basement. We'll continue to use it as a side dish mainly

Tat Soi- I'm thinking this will be a good addition to a soup

Parsnips - In soup, stew & roasted

Celeriac - Matt plans on using this in clam chowder

Sweet Potatoes - Stacey Snacks had a recipe for Sweet Potato Gratin I want to try

Carrots - We have an overload of carrots right now. I'll use some in lentil stew & perhaps some bread but I think its time to prepare some for freezing.

Sunchokes - I'm always so happy to see these, they are amazing roasted

Scarlet Turnip - Thinking a lamb & root vegetable stew

Rutabaga - In the same stew as the turnip

Baby Beets - These beauties call out to be roasted, they probably don't even need to be peeled.



The box also had a head of cabbage & some beauty heart radishes but I left them for someone else as we already have enough of both.

Only one more box left this year.

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© 2007-2009 Kathy Lewinski


  1. The sweet potato dish is my favorite! :)

  2. kat & Matt... all of your upcoming meals sound absolutely incredible. Each week you have taken a box of assorted ingredients and made unbelievable things with them. I think there needs to be a "kat & Matt cooks creatively" Food Network Series next year.

  3. I second George Gaston! You guys are amazing cooks. I am most inspired and jealous.

  4. jealous! I have been on a parsnips kick especially in stews. Heck I would probably throw everything in a pan and roast immediately.


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