Thursday, September 15, 2011

Smoked Salmon Spread

Continuing the use of our smoked salmon, this spread is one Matt whipped up to have as a mid-afternoon snack on rye crisp crackers. It's creamy, smoky and just a little salty. It is super simple to make, but I think is good enough to serve as an appetizer for a party.
 Smoked Salmon Spread

 Smoked Salmon Spread

3 oz cream cheese, softened
3 oz smoked salmon

Purée until the salmon is incorporated into the cream cheese. Best served softened a little at room temperature.

Makes about 2/3 cups.

This is the basic recipe which is really tasty on its own, but you could add a lot of different things to take it into different directions. Make it a little spicier by adding tabasco, cayenne or Sriracha. Give it an Asian twist by adding some soy sauce or sesame oil. Or go Scandinavian and add some fresh dill and a little lemon juice.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at OR at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted. © 2007-2011 Kathy Lewinsk


  1. Yum. This would also be perfect with cucmbers on a tea sandwich.

  2. Been missing you on twitter lately. Fun to come over here and catch up on what you've been doing. Now off to see how the Project Runway and crafting is going! :)

  3. A wonderful spread! So tasty.



  4. What a great snack! But I agree - great for parties.

  5. Kat, this is really quite nice. I'm relatively new to your blog and don't often comment but this looked so good I had to break radio silence. I love your blog and always enjoy the time I spend here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. I just made something super similar with smoked trout... GREG

  7. This would be awesome on crackers or Matzos

  8. This is so simple, but sounds amazing. I like the idea of adding a little hot sauce.


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