Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Thanksgiving Giveaway

Thanksgiving is the season to remember all the things you are thankful for. Matt & I are thankful for all of you who spend a little time with us reading this blog & especially those of you who take the time to comment. As a way of saying thanks we would like to share part of this year's harvest with one of you. Here's what the prize package contains...
Spiced Honey, Black Forest Preserves, Pickled Jalapenos, Zucchini Pickles, Zesty Zucchini Relish, Corn Relish, Hot Pepper Jelly and Port Wine Jelly. All of which will come packed in a zippered cotton tote bag made by me, perfect for farmers' markets trips!
Tote Bag
To be entered in the drawing to win leave a comment on this post. Please, please, please leave an email where we can contact you. A random winner will be picked on Thursday, December 3rd. Sorry, we can only ship to the US or Canada.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at OR at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
© 2007-2009 Kathy Lewinski


Lori said...

Whoa, how nice. Thats a beautiful bag Kat.

PikaPikaChick said...

How fabulous! You guys rock.

Rose said...

Love, love, love that bag. And would really enjoy a sampling of your canned goods!

SkierGirl said...

Awesome! Looks amazing :)

Cara said...

Mhmmm corn relish. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

George Gaston said...

kat & Matt... the bounty of creative food & cooking tips you give to us here are reward enough. But, I would love to try some of your Black Forest Preserves & Port Wine Jelly for sure.

Thanks for the chance to your gracious giveaway and may the blessings of Thanksgiving keep you safe on your travels over the holiday.

Sarah said...

That all looks so delicious!

Rebecca said...

This is all fantastically nice, and I would love to eat any of it!

DLAOKC said...

What a generous gift! I'd love it!

Jess said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I love your blog and all the great meal ideas. I'd love to sample some of your creations.

Billy P said...

I love reading your Blog! I live in the Twin Cities too, and love to see what people do with local foods

ABCD Diaries said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway!! Thanks for the chance!!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com

Lisa said...

I come to your blog on an almost daily basis to get recipe ideas. I also live in the cities and belong to the HVF CSA so your blog has come in handy on more than one occasion - with delicious results! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. P.S. Your bag is so cute - I've thought about attempting the feat of making one myself but haven't gotten there yet.

HungryinSW said...

I already have some big plans for some of those items! Have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for all the great ideas.

Sharon said...

awesome giveaway! happy thanksgiving to you & your family :)

Kassy said...

What a great and generous giveaway! It all looks great and I have enjoyed reading all of your posts!

Wm. said...

I'm a St. Paulite now in Rhode Island, and I love reading your posts. Great pictures, fun writing, and great food! Happy Turkey Day to you.

Gary said...

Win free stuff!! 'Nuff said - I'm in! 8-)

But seriously, I do enjoy your site and the delicious recipes.

LoveMeKnot Creations said...


yes please :)

lovemeknotcreations@gmail dot com

Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...

Oh my word! What a great giveaway! Please, please, pretty please enter me. :-)

Lori said...

How fun! Count me in. I would love to try all your tasty goodies! Happy Thanksgiving!

Fresh Local and Best said...

What a great giveaway! christineinnewyork at gmail

Sarah said...

love your blog..awesome giveaway! :)

Laurel said...

I should be better about commenting. My husband and I make (and love) a lot of recipes from your blog. What an awesome giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving!


grace said...

how generous of you to spread your bounty. you're good eggs. :)

crystalgrant84 said...

nothing would make me happier than corn relish!! and everything else! love homeade canned goodies!!


Travel Whore said...

I really enjoy your recipes and would love to win some of your home made items. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

Greta said...

Beautiful! Thanks for all of your ideas! You've inspired me!

Vicki said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Kat! Wine jelly sounds tasty :)

Ashley said...

This is a great giveaway! I love reading your posts. Happy Turkey Day to you and your family - I'm sure it'll be good eats all around :)

Tricia said...

Wonderful. Homemade gifts are awesome. Thanks for the great recipes that helped me use up the veggies from Harmony Valley!

cpullum said...

Nice giveaway and love the Farmer market bag! Love homemeade food items!

Mac said...

Wow! Quite the giveaway. I would love to try some of the nummy preserves!

Gretchen said...

I love reading your blog. Although I'm all the way out in Portland, OR, I often feel that I'm right there in MN after reading your blog.

coleen~ said...

What a fun giveaway! My husband is from Northfield, MN and he's been to quite a number of the places that you talk about and I've even been to a few !

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Mom24 said...

What an incredible giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Tangled Noodle said...

Look at all those lovely jars of deliciousness! And that bag is amazing . . . !

I think that all thanks go to you and Matt for creating and writing such a wonderful site.

KK said...

Wow...that looks incredible! A friend of mine told me about your blog a while back; we're both CSA members in Madison, WI and your recipes have been fabulous! I've been sharing your blog with others...and I would love to enter the drawing. Thank you so much for all you do!

Kris said...

Whoever is on your Christmas giving list are lucky folks as I'm sure many of these items will make it into greatful hands. Happy Turkey Day!

Winnequah Children's Garden said...

Wow, what an eye-catching bag! So generous of you to share in your harvest - Happy Thanksgiving!!

Stephanie said...

What a GREAT idea!!! The bag is just too cuute!!!

cardboardbelts said...

Thanks for the giveaway. What a fun idea! Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!

Kelly said...

OOH! Pick me, pick me! Your posts are so inspiring in themselves, these treats could keep me in the kitchen well into the new year!

Thanks for sharing!

caitlin said...

Love the bag!

Susie said...

What a sweet way to thank your readers. Love the bag!

Peter M said...

Hope you had a fabulous day, filled with friends and food. Thanks for the personalized giveaway.

Machelle said...

Oh my! It all looks sooo good. I hope I win!

Amy said...

Looks awesome...the summer bounty to have throughout the winter and the lovely bag to take to the market! The winner will be lucky...crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said...

Kat, thank you for you devotion to this website, and local food! I was just checking your blog when my 9yo son came down to say goodnight. He is just starting to blog himself. I shared your blog with him, and told him that I check your blog at least twice a week, and told him which of your recipes he's tried, especially those using produce from the Harmony Valley CSA. It was a great learning experience for him, so thank you for that too!

A faithful reader for two+ years.

Megan said...

I love the giveaway! Sharing your bounty is perfect. But bag too! :) Drop my name in the hat please!
Hope your Thanksgiving week was deliciously delightful!

Unknown said...

A great cook/blogger and sewing too! How fabulous!

Toni @ Imperfect Pregnancy said...

Love the bag!

Jo said...

Neat prize! I love reading your blog, I'm a Minnesotan who is temporarily (going on 7 years now...) living in Boston. I miss the Midwest!

Marie said...

Throwing my hat in the ring! Those jalapenos won't last long around me, mmm.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, YUMMY!

devon dot myers at aderant dot com

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to try Hot Pepper Jelly. What do you put it on?

kat said...

Rebecca - I like green pepper jelly oh top of cream cheese on crackers

natalie said...

I would be so happy to try some of these delicious preserved treats I've been reading so much about!! count me in :)

[ natalie dot cappiali at gmail dot com ]

Jenny R. said...

I love reading your blog...I'm on here tonight getting last-minute dinner ideas! Foodie love to ya from Nashville!


Cheryl R said...

Log your blog, and the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading your blog! Thank you for the giveaway! Hugz!

Sagan said...

That's a great giveaway! I LOVE the bag. The pattern is mesmerizing. There are so rarely zippers on bags to take shopping, too. And those goodies look FANTASTIC.

Anonymous said...

really a fantastic year of blogging!..thanks for your continued support too!..happy holiday!..xoxo the Chef Shack gals!

caroline said...

Wow! What an amazing and eclectic gift! Your blog is my daily go-to!

Anonymous said...

Awesome gift, I'm jealous of the person who actually gets it!

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