Why not avoid all the Thanksgiving weekend shopping madness & buy handmade this holiday season? HandmadeMN, a collective of Minnesota crafters & artists, are having a sale on Etsy this weekend. Over 50 stores are part of the sale and you can find accessories, art, bags, bath & body products, children's gifts, housewares, jewelry and vintage items.

Visit HandmadeMN for a list of all the participating shops.
Everything in my store, The Snuggery, will be 10% off Friday through Monday.
Visit HandmadeMN for a list of all the participating shops.
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© 2007-2009 Kathy Lewinski
© 2007-2009 Kathy Lewinski
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
kat... great gift ideas, thanks.
Hope you & Matt had a terrific 'tom turkey' day. I sure could have used Matt's carving skills yesterday...
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