What he came up with was cold brew coffee. Sure, its not as immediate at using an instant coffee but he's able to use our favorite decaf French roast to make it. Plus cold brewing makes for a very smooth cup of iced coffee without bitterness.
This was our first experience with it & it came out really good. We started by putting 5 scoops of ground coffee in a jar (I think 4 would have been enough) & then added about 1 1/2 - 2 cups cold water. Let sit in the fridge for about 12 hours. Strain to remove the coffee grounds (Matt did this by putting a little cheese cloth over the mouth of the jar & then pouring it through). This makes a strong coffee mixture. Serve over ice & dilute with some water or milk to taste (Matt adds some hazelnut syrup too). This will make about 1 large serving.
I live on iced coffee, even when it's 20 degrees outside.
Gotta have it, but I don't want HOT coffee over ice! Why don't restaurants get that????
I'm wondering what this would be like actually brewed in milk. It would make yummy ice cream I'll bet...
I love iced coffee in the summer. This is a fantastic idea.
isn't this the best? I lived off this last summer when I finally learned how to do it right. Awesome.
mmmm coffee..I cant live without it!
I've never heard of cold-brewing coffee, but I love a proper, strong iced coffee and this looks like the perfect way to get it.
What a great idea! We use instant espresso for iced lattes, but I haven't come up with anything for iced coffee. I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks!
I'm not a coffee drinker, so I had no idea you could cold-brew coffee! I love the smell of coffee, but for some reason, I just can't seem to get it down.
Sounds like just the thing for the summer!
I love the addition of hazelnut syrup!
Wow, what a great method. I am a huge coffee fan, but have never tried cold brew. This sounds great for a hot summer day.
that's very interesting--i didn't know there was a technique for cold brewing coffee. please don't take away my coffee-lover's card. :)
I'm a convert to cold-brew. It tastes so much smoother and is healthier for you. The really awesome thing is that it doesn't get rancid over time like regularly brewed coffee. We make a huge batch every weekend and it stays super tasty all week. Plus your morning coffee is ready much quicker!
I so luv iced coffee....yum!
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