We didn't pick up a ton this week week, but what we did looks amazing.
Sweet Corn
Green Beans - Steamed crisp tender these are the best summer side
Tomatoes - The first we've seen this season
According to our corn farmer, Peter's Pumpkins and Carmen's Corn, this is the best sweet corn of the season. Peter told us it was good enough to go home and eat for breakfast raw.

He was certainly ready for a rush on it. Look at all those bags of corn behind his booth!
On to Menu Planning Monday...
Sweet Corn Gazpacho
Summit Beer 25th Anniversary Dinner at the Local
Sweet Corn, Black Bean and Pepper Tacos
Quick dinner out before a photography class
Molasses Brined Pork Chops with Corn Salsa
Black Bean Burgers
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://agoodappetite.blogspot.com OR at http://agoodappetite.com then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted. © 2007-2011 Kathy Lewinski
The corn looks fab!The Taco's sound particularly good!
the tomatoes and green beans look beautiful!
weve had corn 1-2x a week all summer
Here is a link to my Menu Plan
I'd love if you visited!
Enjoy the rest of your week:)
From Cristin To Mommy
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