Swedish meatballs, ham, potatoes, Swedish potato sausage, ham, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie and Swedish cream. To top it off, one of Matt's co-workers sent us six pints of Graeter's small batch ice cream from Ohio.

This ice cream is made 2 gallons at a time! We've tried the blueberry pie so far & it was amazing. I can't even think about starting in on all the wonderful chocolate bars I got in my stocking.
Menu Planning Monday...
This week we are looking towards lighter meals for sure!
Chorizo, Potato & Greens Soup
Pizzeria Lola - A night out with the extended family in Lady Za Za's kitchen
Beans & Rice - or something meatless
Chinese out - We have babysitting duty & are thinking going out would be fun
We'll spend NYE with the cousins & I think the menu is leaning towards tacos.
Think we'll roast a chicken for New Year's Day.
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://agoodappetite.blogspot.com OR at http://agoodappetite.com then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted. © 2007-2010 Kathy Lewinski
Love that you called this hangover edition!
I am happy to find this very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I always prefer to read the quality content
I'd forgotten about your grandpa's dunk - loved it the last time I made it! And I have some leftover stilton in the fridge...
Foodycat - We've revised the recipe to make it a little lighter so make sure to check it out.
Oh that ice cream... what a great gift!!
I'd forgotten about your grandpa's dunk - loved it the last time I made it! And I have some leftover stilton in the fridge...
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