It was tricky to put the selection of beers we'll be tasting together. We really wanted to avoid Guinness and Harp, things we've all tasted before. We would have like to get all beers from Ireland, but there is a real lack of them in the store and we were at a really good beer store. That's why we added Irish-style to the mix. Here's what we'll be tasting...
Finnegan's Blonde Ale and Irish Amber - Finnegan's is brewed locally and 100% of the proceeds got to charity, so we are doing a good thing by drinking it.
Great Lakes Brewing Conway's Irish Ale - Out of Cleveland, OH
Sprecher Irish Stout - From Glendale, WI.
Porterhouse Brewing Red, Wrasslers Full Stout and Oyster Stout - These were the only beers we could find from Ireland that were not Guinness or Harp. Porterhouse is based in Dublin and is apparently the largest independent brewery in Ireland.
Other than the Finnegan's Irish Amber these will all be new beers for all of us. So, what do you think, have you ever tried any of the beers we're having? Do you know of any other Irish beers that are available in the US?
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Hi Kat, Liftbridge recently released their Irish Cream Stout in bomber bottles (I haven't tried it, yet). That would count as an Irish beer, wouldn't it? --Beer Dinner Robert
Robert - Oh, I didn't see that, it would totally count. I'll need to check on Friday when we go to get our Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout (not for St. Pat's just to get)
We can get Smithwicks and Murphy's here. I saw Kilkenny when we were in Las Vegas recently. Most of these fall under the same parent company as Guinness so I'm not sure if you mean Guinness as the beer or the company. :) We can also get Magner's cider here which is the same as Bulmer's in Ireland (it's Magner's in the UK). Have fun trying them all!
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