Green Beans - This week's they'll just be sides but I want to make some spicy dilly beans soon.
More Strawberries - This batch is mainly for snacking
French Breakfast Radishes - These have been so wonderful raw and cooked. Apparently next week we'll get a new variety that is also quite mild.
Tomatoes - These need a little more ripening, but for this early in the season it's amazing to get them at all.
Bacon and Regular Brats
Zucchini - First of the year. We like to grill these up.
On to Menu Planning Monday...
Green scrambled eggs with toast and cottage bacon - The eggs are green thanks to Garlic Scape Pesto.
Grilled steak with potatoes and broccoli - A hold over from last week.
Pizzeria Lola - We have friends coming in from out of town who want to see what all the buzz is about.
Chicken and Avocado Tacos - The 3 1/2 year old we have visiting loves avocado, so she is inspiring theses.
Pasta with Garlic Scape Pesto and Fresh Tomatoes
Grilled Brats and Hot Dogs
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1 comment:
We are doing a CSA this year. So far I am really enjoying it. Such nice produce and so fresh.
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