Of course, being foodies a bunch of us started talking about different flavorings to add to it & decided to all post our creations this week. Matt & I decided to go the alcohol route & flavor our "ice cream" like a daiquiri.
This treat could not be easier to make & really gives you the ice cream experience without all the stuff that makes ice cream not exactly the healthiest treat. Making it doesn't require a recipe just a few directions.
- Peel & slice the banana into coins. The banana should be ripe but not overly soft. We used some that had just started to get a few brown spots. We used 4 bananas & got 4 small servings.
- Freeze banana coins on a plate until solid, ours took about two hours.
- Put frozen banana slices into a food processor & start processing. You'll need to keep stopping to scrape down the sides & push the bananas down. It will look crumbly at first but slowly turn into creamy goodness.
- Add your flavorings of choice & mix in. For our flavor, we added a tablespoon of Grand Marnier and a tablespoon of rum. If I had had some on hand I would have also added a little lime juice, Matt thought it didn't need it with the Grand Marnier. You are not cooking anything here so remember this will have alcohol in it.

I thought it was very much like ice cream. Matt said it wasn't ice cream but it was really good. The picture at the top of this post is how it looked after spending a night in the freezer. It had firmed up a bit more but was still soft enough to scoop easily (the alcohol probably aided with this). I think if you served this to guests or your kids no one would know it wasn't ice cream & you we're just giving them blended, frozen fruit.
Visit these other Banana Bloggers to see what they did...
Elle's New England Kitchen
Flamingo Musings
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://agoodappetite.blogspot.com OR at http://agoodappetite.com then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.© 2007-2010 Kathy Lewinski
It does look like ice cream! I would go your route and add some alcohol and nuts. 8-)
We made this last week! So tasty! I never thought about booze. I've got another bunch of bananas in the freezer and some Bailey's in the cabinet.... tonight's dessert!
I love how you guys flavored this! I can't wait to try it again, and make it for "adults only." ;)
My name is Kate.
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I made banana fro yo a few months ago and used malibu banana rum. Alcohol gives a nice 'adult' kick! I'll need to do it now with ice cream.
I still have a couple of plates of banana "coins" in the freezer, and was thinking about booze (I already used kahlua!). Hmmmm....
i keep seeing this on various blogs but i've yet to try it myself. i believe some booze is most definitely in order when i finally do make my own batch--great idea. :)
A couple of years ago I had roasted banana ice cream at a local Pizza parlor. I still think about how great that tasted. I've never been able to replicate it. I'll try your ideas next!
Seriously? That's JUST bananas?? Wow! It looks wonderful. I may have to try it, for sure.
Ahh, I love recipes that don't call for an icecream maker! That looks really good, thanks for sharing! :)
I miss Elle's New England Kitchen. For some reason my computer won't let me access it from either firefox or IE.
I've done banana icecream like this before - adding some frozen rasperries or peach slices is a nice change, but I think adding alcohol is even better!
I have made a banana ice cream with tofu last year. A Bo Friburg recipe. I liked it a lot. But I have to say I am totally intrigued by this one. It certainly does look like ice cream.
I definitely like the daquiri aspect of this. I always seem to have more bananas than I know what to do with >ext time a bunch hits peak with nobody around to eat them I'll try this. GREG
this is becoming the latest craze eh? looks good, so easy.
HELL YEAH! Now I want to recreate an old Baskin & Robbins flavour of banana & marshmallow.
Love your additional flavorings to this. That is definitely the way to go. Matt's comment made me laugh. I tend to eat a lot of frozen blended fruit and sub it for ice cream. Good, even though its not ice cream. :)
I remember seeing this back when I first started blogging, and I didn't have a food processor back then. I've been meaning to try it since then, but haven't yet. I think the idea of raspberries in it sounds wonderful, too!
making this tonight.
The alcohol helps when you refreeze and make extra. The alcohol helps it stay creamy. If you use just Bananas you may find it freezes into a solid
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