It'll be so nice when it is all done & we can relax & enjoy it. In the meantime not much exciting cooking has been going on as we've been eating out or having a lot of salads at home.
Our garden, despite being attacked by slugs during a wet spell, it looking great thanks to an early, warm spring.

The San Marzano, Brandywine & Sweet 100 tomatoes are all showing their first little green fruit. We've never grown Brandywines before & can't believe what a big plant they are. The fruit are supposed to get to be 1 to 1 1/2 pounds each!

The pepper plants all look great but only the jalapenos & ho chi minhs have peppers at this point. I think we are going to have a bumper jalapeno crop. The ho chi minh is something I bought on a whim at the Friends School Plant Sale. I'm hoping they do well as the guy we buy pepper plants from at the farmers market wants a few to save seeds from as they are hard to get.

The broccoli is all ready to harvest & most of the peas have been eaten already. The pole beans have reached the top of their trellis already & just growing like crazy!
We'll be spending the weekend planting the new gardens out front & then Sunday we are excited to be going to our first Tour de Farm dinner. Can't wait to tell you all about it next week, cross your fingers for no thunderstorms....
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://agoodappetite.blogspot.com OR at http://agoodappetite.com then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact me at katbaro AT yahoo DOT COM. All recipes, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.© 2007-2010 Kathy Lewinski
Too many great things in this post! Your house is the cutest! We are growing brandywines and it is the first I've seen of the plants too. I had no idea the fruit is supposed to get that big! Your broccoli is beautiful and that dinner looks incredible! I can't wait to see the recap of it.
Your yard is going to be adorable when all that landscaping is done! I love it.
Sounds like the gardening has been an overwhelming success! And the Tour de Farms sounds fantastic (we've been contemplating attending one near us). Crossing my fingers for you!
Your house is adorable. I know that feeling when everything is complete, you can sit their with your cup of java or tea and take a deep breath and enjoy!
sometimes i wish so much of the garden goods didn't come all at once--it's overwhelming! things are looking good around your house, kat. :)
I'm so sad that I lost both of my pepper plants. But I can't wait for the tomatoes!
Wow, everything looks great so far! We have slugs too, but we put crushed egg shells near the rows, and hope that keeps them at bay. We are growing pink brandywine tomatoes, and the plants are HUGE. The leaves look different than regular tomato plants too! Have fun with your guests!
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