Lunch in LaCrosse was at the Hungry Peddler (it was hard to find anything but bars in downtown LaCrosse). We had a fantastic & huge lunch here for very little money. Gotta stop for Wisconsin cheese curds to snack on in the car. Sunset over the Iowa farmlands.

We had an amazing Vietnamese dinner at the Pasteur Restaurant in Moline, IL. We ended up here thanks to recommendations on Urban Spoon & Yelp. The kind of neighborhood place where the owner greets everyone & knows if you are new to the restaurant. He is very proud of the food they cook & quick to tell you they don't use any MSG & make all their sauces from scratch. One of the best Vietnamese meals we've had.

Scenes from Muscatine, IA where you can apparently get fried bologna sandwiches at Hardee's.

In St Louis, we had boiled peanuts & barbecue at Bandanas. The next morning we drove through the city to see the arch & the Budweiser Plant.

In Memphis, we mainly ate home-cooked meals at my parents but Matt did try some Zapp's Voodoo Gumbo Chips & we had some great seafood at Pearl's Oyster House for lunch on Friday. We were also treated to a beautiful sunset over the Mississippi on Thanksgiving.
We ate at a few other special places we'll highlight in later posts.
On to Menu Planning Monday....
Ancho Pork and Hominy Soup
Maple Roast Chicken & Squash
Spanish Spaghetti
Roast Vegetables & Goat Cheese over Couscous
Chicken Lentil Stew
Turkey Cabbage Rolls
Matt is making Corn & Sausage Chowder & a Clam Chowder for lunches this week. This week's Christmas cookie will be a Brown Butter Sugar Cookie.
Don't forget to enter our Thanksgiving giveaway which ends on Thursday, Dec. 3! Also We are featured in 20 Questions on Refrigerator Soup this week, read all about us here.
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© 2007-2009 Kathy Lewinski
© 2007-2009 Kathy Lewinski