Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sausage & Peppers

We've gotten quite a few peppers from our CSA in the last couple of weeks. Until this week most of them were green & I've always strongly believed I don't like green peppers. Well, Matt has been "sneaking" them in our stir-fries lately & it turns out I do like them as long as they are well cooked (I still think I'll avoid them raw). Its a good thing I discovered this or I would have never tried sausage & peppers & oh was it good.
Sausage & Peppers
The flavors of the onions & peppers cooked in a little red wine with a good Italian sausage make for a perfect sandwich; a little sweet, a little savory & just rich enough. The peppers & onions are quite mild from their sauté & match up well with the slight spiciness of the sausage we used. We served this on hoagie rolls as a sandwich but you could also cut up the sausages & serve it with pasta.

Sausage & Peppers

1 T olive oil
4 link Italian Sausages, fully cooked
1 T unsalted butter
2 c red onions, sliced
3 c mixed peppers, cored, seeded & sliced (we used a mixture of sweet yellow & orange peppers & Italia green peppers)
1/4 t dried oregano
1/4 t dried basil
salt & pepper
1/4 c red wine
4 soft hoagie rolls

Heat the oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sausages & brown on all sides. Remove the sausages from the pan & set aside.

Melt the butter in the skillet. Add the peppers, onions, oregano & basil plus salt & pepper to taste. Sauté for 5 minutes until the onions are translucent & the peppers & onions are soft. Pour the wine into the pan. Add the sausages back to the pan. Cover & turn down the heat to low. Allow to simmer for 15 minutes or until the sausages are heated through.
Sausage & Peppers
Serve the sausages on split hoagie rolls topped with the peppers & onions.

Serves 4

Other recipes using Italian sausage


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ooops... as i was saying... this definitely looks very good... must taste so yummy too... :)

eatingclubvancouver_js said...

I've been wanting to make sausage and peppers for the longest time. I don't like green peppers too, but I now find they do add something to a cooked dish when they're there. So maybe, I'm starting to change my mind about the green ones.

Looks yummy! The hoagie rolls look soft and pillowy.

Anonymous said...

I am not a huge fan of green peppers either...unless they are paired with sausage :)

Beth (jamandcream) said...

Sausages and peppers. This sounds divine!!

Anonymous said...

I'm making this tonight for dinner. I don't have hoagies, but hopefully hot dog buns will do. I also have a Trader Joe's three pepper mix to sub for the fresh stuff.

MrOrph said...

This reminds me of home! A goog ole South Philly sausage and peppers! It is hard to find a good one here in the ATL. Most use hard bread or sausages with really tough skins.

These look excellent!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...these beautiful sausages and peppers are reminding me of the annual Italian festival I used to go to in Westport, CT during high school. Very fond memories!

grace said...

it's not that i don't like green peppers, it's just that they pale in comparison to red and yellow and orange ones. :)
meanwhile, this looks like the perfect thing to serve to the fellas who scream at my tv during football games. :)

Jen said...

Great picture- the peppers look so good.

Deborah said...

I really shouldn't look at food blogs in the morning - this has my stomach growling and me wanting sausage and peppers for lunch!

Anonymous said...

We do something similar on the grill only we simmer all of the ingredients in a brown ale (malty sweet goodness) I have great results with Rogue Brewery's Hazlenut Brown Nectar (I only cook with beer I'll drink)

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